29 September 2008

did you know duke has a football team?

ok, before i get into jimza's comment, i have a funny story from french class. so the teacher asks - qui est-ce qui vous avez voir apres le cours. now, in spanish, b and v sound the same. so, i heard - qui est-ce qui vous avez boire apres le cours. boire means to drink. voir means to see. the second question makes no sense, but as i heard incorrectly, i thought she said "drink and after class," so i looked at the kid next to me who was obviously hung over and replied, "john va boire apres le cours." the teacher looked at me strangely until she got that i misunderstood the question. my answer to "who is going drinking after class?" was "john is going to drink after class." after explaining my mistake, the teacher and the rest of the class thought it was funny (read- i am stupid)

so jimmy d, p-bot, i definitely remember your pager. i also remember using your pager after it either stopped working or no one paid the bill. good times.

i also remember my first-year roommate stealing some dude's pager at a party. classy. also, said person was the first one i knew to own a cell phone. although, as his night shifts at wade's might not have paid the bill, i dont think he kept it long. of course, after he dropped out and remained living in my room for the next three months, he was definitely saving money (and let me tell you how much fun it was not to be able to lock my door for those three months because jackass, after dropping out of school, had to give his dorm key back, which made his comings and goings all the more obnoxious). ah, freshman year. your mention jammer of "upper quad" threw me for a second. did we know it as anything other than the ghetto? all the kids on the other side of campus called it bfe, but that is another story.

the lost boys. fidel da fish and the "burial at sea" after his untimely death where 'foul play was suspected.' how can i forget going into the bathroom late one night and seeing jesse's head sticking out from under the stall as i was myself using the urinal? dude, are you ok? to which no response meant i had to go down the hall to see "the lost boys" and inform them that one of their own needed removal before the ra, tyler i think he was, found him. i remember watching them drank the poor kid down the hall (i think it was by his feet, but i could be misremembering). i think the fourth floor of thomas saw about 20% of its residents move on to another year of school. the rest, like ol jesse, never made it back.

was the power plant that operated outside your (jimza) side of the hall a coal plant? i seem to remember you not being able to open the window.

jesse. i remember the night he entered thomas from the wrong side of the building and climbed into bed in your room because it was the third door down on the right from where he entered (the exact location of his room but the opposite of the hall). damn. how many stories do i have of jesse? and consider, these are the only stories i can actually put onto the internet (mainly bc they do not involve myself or any of those who might read this bad boy).

jim, you are a nice guy.

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