26 April 2006

z-moves has found this site? wow. i see you were somewhat caught for a lack of words; it is bc i am in central america and not europe. your blue-blood euro heritage blinds you to other parts of the world.

life is not the most exciting at the moment, somehow i think the heat slows everyone down in this part of the world. and if you knew the previous pace, well, anyway.

have you ever heard that beds are hot? people kept telling me that when i got here. sounds crazy, right. how can a bed be hot? well, they are. pillows too. i am learning all kinds of things. the humidity is a bit of a pain right now, mainly at night, when i cant sleep. i wake up every 30 minutes or so and have to roll over a few times to dry the sweat with the breeze of the nearby fan. thus, i now sleep in my hammock full time. at the very least i sleep sounder.

this will be the first vacation that i wont be leaving town. we have a long weekend this week. i cant remember what is being celebrated, but i will take the day off like everyone else. sadly, our vacation day is not until ... july. ya, so pretty stupid maybe not to take advantage of the long weekend, but i have been to most of the relatively close places that would be worth going to around here (with the exception of sumadero canyon in chiapas), but with the heat as it is, i think i will relax and go to the ojo de agua and do nothing. seems like a good plan.

i am looking at lots of other positions right now for the fall. i recently applied to work for a english teaching corporation in santiago, chile. the pay is about what i make here, not much, but it is enough to get by down there. i am also looking at other teaching positions in the mountains of mexico. puebla, for instance, where the heat never gets above 90 degrees because of the altitude- it is over 2100 meters. i love cold weather and have already have enough of this heat. sweet. three more months to go.

i am also looking into costa rica, which has relatively good pay. there are lots of mountains down there so i could probably find a job in a city with a decent climate.

if i do decide to go to chile, i am considering taking a bus all the way down to costa rica or panama and then catching a flight to santiago. i will definitely check out the prices to see if there is any kind of difference, but at the very least i could visit a few more countries on my way out of dodge.

nothing really funny to tell. the heat has sapped the humor out of most things. too bad. any fun stories from you guys?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Z MOVES!