27 May 2008

just realized that the day i took off, yesterday, was also a holiday for you. ya, that is not that exciting.

no word from the tech secretary. i emailed her last friday, but she never wrote back. i am guessing that she is either a. on vacation; b. down in the mouth about something and thus not wanting to talk to me; c. hating her job and trying to get fired by completely ignoring all emails; d. on a world biking tour; e. questioning her spirituality which is therefore causing her to be absentminded; f. fearful that my .mx email address implies i am mexican which may a. frighten her, b. remind her of a bad childhood experience, c. be a combination of a and b; d. reinforce a latent hatred for all things not usa; e. make her think she needs to learn spanish to communicate with me.

i am guessing there are a lot of other possibilities. feel free to leave a comment if you have any ideas what they might be.

went to a new town this past week. tepoztlan, about 45 minutes away. kind of cool. went hiking up a mountain that had a pyramid at the top dating from about 1000 years ago. i have seen a lot of pyramids now, and must say that although it was somewhat interesting, the view from about 11000 feet was much more so. you would think that living at 8000ft would make it easy to climb another 3000. you would be wrong.

syracuse won the lacrosse championship. i must say i am disappointed as both uva and duke both lost on saturday. could have been an all acc final. turned out being a half acc final four and acc-less final. bummer.

i think i am going to apply to a school in edinburgh, scotland. why not.

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