19 September 2006

i cannot remember the last time i wrote a poem, so it makes sense that i did early this morning. i dont like titles for poems, but i guess this will have one. change is good.

la victoria

we no longer share a language
ni lugar (space/place)
rather the you in i continues
at a clip clearly registered
behind these pale eyes (skin).
smog-choked heavens
bleed tinny-voiced reminders
my South now 13 months away
carries me to a grave
with daily viewers and few mourners
(pocos son los elegidos).
though you fled first
(do i grudge your escape or my emptiness?)
i found the tracks heading west
gentle snows marking an outline at my side
and penetrating cold.
birth days celebrate mothers
not bundles of flesh too fragile yet to feel
so save the band those who hear
paste sloppy phrases on paper
written form is dead, too.
tengo suerte
rain´s voice needs no translation
victoria means triumph here
what did it mean there?
see me for i am you (we)
goodnight- buena noche

interestingly enough that is 28 lines. just noticed it actually.
the spanish is fairly simple-
ni lugar- nor place
pocos son los elegidos- the chosen are few, literally, but the religious will see something different in that phrase(as it is intended down here)
tengo suerte- i am lucky
la victoria- could mean victory/triumph or, for example, if i said ¨el will,¨ i would simply mean the person will. people put the article, el or la, in front of names sometimes. it does not mean the same as writing ¨the will¨ for example. it is quite common and is merely a personal reference.

depending on if we ever spoke of this, you might know that i think birthdays should not celebrate the child but the mother. the kid did very little whereas the mother did everything and carried the most risk. again, just my opinion, but i want to make it clear that the above is not sad or meant to be that way. if you believe in duality there is always death in life and vice versa. this is not a depressing idea for me, it is life. life is destroyed to feed people- corn dies to feed animals.

again, not trying to be morbid. i am quite happy today, but i must admit that on my bday i always spend a lot of time thinking about my mom. it is unfortunate i did not know her very well. life is difficult.

i hope you all have a great day up there. i am working all day and then proctoring an exam for 3 hours tonight so i can earn some extra cash. hence, my day is planned. i am having a bbq this weekend to celebrate my and two others bdays. should be fun. second birthday in a foreign country. strange to think of it that way, but here i am.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Will! Great poem!


Anonymous said...

doughboy happy birthday hope all is well. some sad news butch may be losing his dealership finical trouble. again happy birthday you know i had a little something to do with that. doughman

Anonymous said...

finaincal i don't know how to spell well.doughman

Anonymous said...


We miss and love you. Hope you are having a great day celebrating you! I loved the poem. I know that our mom would be as proud of you as Dad, Amy, and I are and always have been. Greg, Sullivan, and Reagan send their love. Can't wait to see you.

Love, Caroline

Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleanos a ti! Hope you had a pleasant birthday. i didnt know i was older than you. good times...