02 December 2005

ok, i have recently received a notice that i am giving too many shout-outs to the non-sf´ers. i am guessing that my constant references to the bay area, and my people in cali is not specific enough. so first, go 9´ers. i mean really, this has not been said enough in any forum. love what the team has done with themselves.

second, the people i give shouts to make comments. once in a straight nightclub in sf i get a comment from an sf´er, but that is as rare as, well, i think i already made the link.

bipolar? i prefer to think of myself as eccentric.

so toyster, kreistan, wall-eyed eddie, if he is still reading, keifa sutherland, i doubt he ever did, jonny utah, again doubtful, k ¨i have had enough of gay men and now i want angry men in philadelphia¨ kuo, the entire millberry funkadelic orchestra, and, for a random one, ter ¨is maine really that cold and white?¨ hea, what up? i am jealous of every snowstorm that tahoe gets, every halloween, every pride parade, gay to breakers (is this kind of the same thing as the last one?), and bonfire on the beach, still not sure how cliff claven cut his hand open so bad. have a pint at chancey´s (you know that means like 4) and remember to always avoid that evil evil little sham. that´s right, it´s a sham bar. i dont know what that means, but that is what it means. mexico is damn close to cali, so get on down here. you know it is cheap and all that cali cash goes a long way down here.

to everyone else, drop a comment and i will try to remember some random event and glorify it. like taking pictures of spiritual places in sedona when one is not sure whether you have to pay to get in, what is this a club? love in c on three. 1,2,3 c´s-love.

have a great weekend, root for the hokies so that they once again do not become the chokies, and the cowboys, and hell, why not, the 9´ers as well. but really, should we be hoping that theylose so that they can get reggie bush or what?

what up inner-outer sunset! keep on reaching for the stars!


Anonymous said...

Thank you! What a great shout out. Hulia and I will be there is Feb...now that we got a freaking shout out. MOFO

Anonymous said...

What great pictures! So glad you're getting to explore the area on the weekends. Wisely, I have refrained from reading your latest entry--I can easily imagine the host of nasty s-things that have become your neighbors. :)